It's about, time ....

.... for evolution!

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This is the NLP Web Log of Charles Saldanha, founder of the IPANLP. It is intended to be raw, frank and fair in it's presentation and, excitingly, language may be strong at times. Please be aware of this and do not read if easily offended. If you spot any mistakes or incorrect information, please let me know in the first instance.

Rip off Britain!

There was a period in time when Brits had a phrase 'rip off Britain'. It was a time where prices for items in the UK were significantly higher than for the same item in Europe and surrounding places abroad.

This was particularly noticable in the prices of vehicles. The same make and model of car w…

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NLP Origins

Wow, been waiting for this book for a long time!

I was in contact with Frank Pucelik almost 2 years ago.  He had “re-surfaced” in the UK as the 3rd man in the co-creation of NLP and, through some online correspondence, had let me in on some of the early stories of how NLP actually happened.  …

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My garden, my haven!

Interesting that 'Blog', like NLP, is subject to a whole bunch of 'definitions'. I am Charles Saldanha, a multi-certified NLP Trainer and have been involved in a number of international NLP organisations over the years. Welcome to my NLP, weB log :)

Strange as it seems, NLP may well disappear, like a…

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