The NLP Agent of Change Oath
This is an Oath voluntary observed by associates of the IPANLP community. It is based largely on the medical professions Hippocratic Oath.
I do solemnly vow, to that which I value and hold most dear:
That I will honour the Profession as an NLP Agent of Change, be just and generous to its members, and help sustain them in their service to humanity;
That just as I have learned from the co-creators or those who preceded me, so will I instruct those who follow me in the original intent of the science and the art of NLP;
That I will recognise the limits of my knowledge and pursue lifelong learning to better facilitate those who require positive, ecological change;
That I will seek the counsel of others when they are more expert so as to fulfil my obligation to those who are entrusted to my care;
That I will not withdraw from my clients in their time of need;
That I will lead my life and practice my science & art with integrity and honour, using my power wisely;
That whatsoever I shall see or hear of the lives of my clients that is not fitting to be spoken, I will keep in confidence;
That into whatever house I shall enter, it shall be for the good of the client;
That I will maintain this sacred trust, holding myself far aloof from wrong, from corrupting, from the tempting of others to vice;
That above all else I will serve the highest interests of my clients through the practice of my science and my art;
That I will be an advocate for clients in need and strive for justice in their care.
I now turn to my calling, promising to preserve its finest traditions, with the reward of a long experience in the joy of change & learning.
I make this vow freely and upon my honour.